Jessica Rodz is the Senior Content Writer at Cashfacts. She has a long career in the field of content writing and editing. Jessica has the expertise in the UK lending marketplace where she has worked with 7 different lending organisations and acquired many responsibilities from preparing loan deals and writing blogs for their websites.
At Cashfacts, Jessica is managing a team of experienced loan experts and doing a major contribution in guiding the loan seekers via well-researched blogs. She has done graduation in Business (Finance) and now currently doing research papers on the UK financial sector.
Short-term loans make sense when your funding needs cannot wait. It is a good thing that you have taken some time to think about short-term loans. They are highly beneficial for short-term needs and other critical requirements such as an emergency. In this post, we will endeavour a little to learn about this product and …
The repayment of student loans can be expensive, demanding, and hard. Whether you secured student loans to pay for college or a personal K–12 schools, the repayment of student loans depends on various factors. Factors like interest rates, loan debt consolidation, and the repayment of your student loan debt will be covered in this blog. …
Financial stability is a cornerstone in leading a worry-free life. It plays a vital role in shaping our quality and happiness. Financial stability doesn’t mean being wealthy. It’s about having enough for our needs, a little for our wants, and some set aside for emergencies. Living without financial worry can offer us peace of mind, …
Wouldn’t it be great to have a good credit score welcoming you each morning when you sit at your kitchen table enjoying coffee, the newspaper, your personal statements, and the day’s agenda? That will obviously be. However, to most people, it may not be the case. Credit score and credit history have always been vital …
Nothing will come your way of getting a loan when your credit history and repaying capacity are above par, but a lender may ask you to arrange a guarantor when your credit report is not stellar. Authorities have warned that guarantor loans can be as detrimental as payday loans. Fearing that they will be drawn …
You cannot live without food; likewise, your business cannot survive without cash. “Maintaining a healthy cash flow is imperative for businesses of all shapes and sizes.” Financial management is known as a process of planning, budgeting and controlling the company’s financial resources. You must have a constant supply of cash to keep your business rolling. …