Jessica Rodz

Jessica Rodz is the Senior Content Writer at Cashfacts. She has a long career in the field of content writing and editing. Jessica has the expertise in the UK lending marketplace where she has worked with 7 different lending organisations and acquired many responsibilities from preparing loan deals and writing blogs for their websites. At Cashfacts, Jessica is managing a team of experienced loan experts and doing a major contribution in guiding the loan seekers via well-researched blogs. She has done graduation in Business (Finance) and now currently doing research papers on the UK financial sector.

Payday Loans Are Safer But Not Cheaper!

The regulatory bodies introduce different types of laws from time to time to safeguard the interest of payday borrowers. This loan option often turns out to be a trap as the borrower wants quick money ahead of receiving the next month’s salary. The lender must give the borrower’s affordability the highest importance. They should not …

How Are Text Loans A Quick Money-Making Method?

Text loans are a form of payday loans aimed at good and bad credit borrowers stuck in emergencies or rather embarrassing situations. The application process for any kind of small loan is more or less the same. You just need to put in the application form, and then a lender will look over your financial …

A Guide to Manage Debt Repayment Efficiently in 2023

Debts may not be devastating. But they can pretty much be disruptive to the point where we get annoyed with them. The situation can get even more complex if you suffer from multiple debts. To solve this issue, you need an effective debt repayment plan. When many debts exist over long repayment periods, it is …

8 Interesting Student Loan Facts to Know before Taking One Out

Student loans can be very attractive and helpful in a variety of ways. If you are a student and want a good opportunity to get the education you want, a student loan might help you out when your bank account (or your parents’ accounts) aren’t giving you enough backup. With that being said, students still …

A Few Worthy pieces of Experts’ Advice on Debt Management

Debts are not always good. They keep on bothering you constantly. Having more than one debt or too many of these debts is going to steal your night’s sleep. Although debt is not a financial obligation, you need to get over it faster for gaining financial clarity and space. As per statistics, debts are one …

What are Text Loans and Should You Be Cautious of them?

Text loans are short-term payday loans that you can take out during emergencies. The only difference is that you can get money in your bank account by simply texting your lender. Not all lenders provide these loans. It is often asked why there is a need to provide text loans when payday loans are an …