Jessica Rodz

Jessica Rodz is the Senior Content Writer at Cashfacts. She has a long career in the field of content writing and editing. Jessica has the expertise in the UK lending marketplace where she has worked with 7 different lending organisations and acquired many responsibilities from preparing loan deals and writing blogs for their websites. At Cashfacts, Jessica is managing a team of experienced loan experts and doing a major contribution in guiding the loan seekers via well-researched blogs. She has done graduation in Business (Finance) and now currently doing research papers on the UK financial sector.

How Short Term Loans are Dissimilar from Long Term Loans?

Finding the right lender to support your financial needs is getting close to a victory. According to research, many people are facing financial constraints ending up with the wrong lender and getting stuck in debt. They are then not able to come out of it. The lenders also mislead the borrowers and keep them waiting …

How can you unburden yourself from the Mounting Debt from Next Year?

Borrowing money is always more accessible than repaying it. One can keep on drowning in debt without even realising it. Since availing money is easy, no one tries to limit it and use it effectively. Coming out of debt is essential for a person’s financial well-being. It cannot be done overnight. It may take specific …

How Paying off Student Loans Can Make a Good Difference

Student loans are very common in the UK. It is also the same in other countries of the world. Due to the increasing number of educational programs and almost thousands of online courses, student loans are, in many ways, unavoidable these days. The need for money is a driving problem around the globe. And if …

How Does a Payday Loan Differ From An Installment Loan?

The main difference between a payday and installment loan is that the latter grants much more flexibility in terms of loan conditions and interest rates. In Installment loans, one can repay within several months to a year. A payday loan is generally known as a 30-day loan that lenders provide for emergencies. The borrower typically …

Is it beneficial to get loans from a direct lender or a broker?

Do you find it difficult to decide if you should borrow from a direct lender or a broker? It means that difference between the both is not clear to you. Both of them can play a role in your borrowing journey. Please note that their role is going to be different. You can take out …

How important is a credit score for your borrowing and how to improve it?

One of the most essential & deciding factors for money borrowing is your credit score. When a bank or any financial institution determines a specific score for your lending, it is usually termed the credit score. It displays your trustworthiness as a borrower. In addition, it shows how reliable you are in avail of any …