Jessica Rodz

Jessica Rodz is the Senior Content Writer at Cashfacts. She has a long career in the field of content writing and editing. Jessica has the expertise in the UK lending marketplace where she has worked with 7 different lending organisations and acquired many responsibilities from preparing loan deals and writing blogs for their websites. At Cashfacts, Jessica is managing a team of experienced loan experts and doing a major contribution in guiding the loan seekers via well-researched blogs. She has done graduation in Business (Finance) and now currently doing research papers on the UK financial sector.

Is It Possible to Take Out Emergency Cash Loans for the Unemployed?

Direct lenders seem to be the knight in shining armour when you need money to fund unforeseen expenses. They quickly peruse your financial statements to determine your affordability and then give the nod. Unfortunately, life could be crueller than you imagined. In fact, you have heard of or experienced situations that turn the whole world …

How to Make the Best Use of Payday Loans This Christmas

Though there is a month to go until Christmas, no time is left for putting off shopping. The more you delay, the more expensive decoration and gifts will be. You leave no stone unturned to celebrate the festivity with gusto and bonhomie. Although there is nothing wrong with celebrating with full spirits, you cannot rebuff …

Debts Can Trouble You. Here’s How Not to Run into One

Debts! They are troublesome. I know they are. You know they are. And the whole world knows that they are. We have been running away from them since we started earning money or we have realised what money bills are. I would like to reiterate this statement a little. Think carefully and you will realise …

Tips To Improve How You Handle Your Finances

You need good financial management if it wants to do well and keep growing. It means planning, organizing, regulating, and keeping an eye on your money so that you can reach the goals you’ve set for it. Good financial management will help you make better use of your resources. Remember to keep the promises it …

What Student Loan Mistakes You Have to Avoid

Your education has the power to shape your future. And this is where you need to be extra careful with finance. This is a precious time of the year. You have to understand that you will get your finances used in the most exceptional ways. Each penny spent in this time should be spent wisely. …

Is payday finance a swift source of cash during troubled times?

Opting for this type of financing is ideal in case of small exigency. It lets you extract cash to mitigate any trivial urgency. It has incredible features like easy repayment. You can pay back conveniently with your next salary. It means you can get these finances in between paydays. It is easy to settle any …