Jessica Rodz

Jessica Rodz is the Senior Content Writer at Cashfacts. She has a long career in the field of content writing and editing. Jessica has the expertise in the UK lending marketplace where she has worked with 7 different lending organisations and acquired many responsibilities from preparing loan deals and writing blogs for their websites. At Cashfacts, Jessica is managing a team of experienced loan experts and doing a major contribution in guiding the loan seekers via well-researched blogs. She has done graduation in Business (Finance) and now currently doing research papers on the UK financial sector.

Why People Should Ditch the Traditions to Enjoy Christmas with Travel?

A traditional Christmas may seem like the ideal option with the decoration, gifts, and family dinner. You will find another alternative in the form of a vacation during the holidays. It will eliminate the overwhelming stress of planning the entire holiday to meet the expectations within the limited budget. Why should people ditch the traditions …

Align your Business Strategies and Become a Goal Accomplisher

For any business, you should set specific goals in order to give your business a direction. It is the basis of any business, and it provides a strong foundation. If you are a business owner, you need a driving force to move ahead and deal with all the challenges and problems. If you set goals …

Dos and Don’ts for Freshers to Manage Their Finances at University

Students during their first year at university find themselves in an extremely different environment. They learn to take care of themselves without the constant supervision of their parents. The financial decisions are theirs to make from the limited income or, in most cases, monthly allowance. The time and energy without the experience often lead to …

5 Things you must do before stopping the repayment of a student loan

With increasing expenses nowadays, it has become totally impossible to run a family with limited income. Besides, the threat of pandemics made the situation more complicated. Lots of people are losing their jobs, and very little chance left for getting a good job. In such a scenario, people have no other option instead of arranging …

How the Personal Touch to the Customer Support Is Critical in 2021?

Long-term customer relationships are a cornerstone for the success of industry leaders. It is the result of communication before and after selling the product to the customers. In the present world, brands are focused on providing instant support with the introduction of chatbots and virtual assistants. However, these technologies can never replace the effectiveness of …

Impact of Money Badge from Scout on Young Children in the UK

Parents often ignore the importance of financial education in the developmental years of their children. A huge population of children in the UK is not even aware of how money works. For them, it is a piece of paper that people use to buy items and services. However, there is more to these papers than …