Jessica Rodz

Jessica Rodz is the Senior Content Writer at Cashfacts. She has a long career in the field of content writing and editing. Jessica has the expertise in the UK lending marketplace where she has worked with 7 different lending organisations and acquired many responsibilities from preparing loan deals and writing blogs for their websites. At Cashfacts, Jessica is managing a team of experienced loan experts and doing a major contribution in guiding the loan seekers via well-researched blogs. She has done graduation in Business (Finance) and now currently doing research papers on the UK financial sector.

Can I Borrow £10000 without Worrying About My Credit Score?

There are four elements of a loan process, including the applicant’s monthly income, guarantor, collateral and credit score. An individual rarely fulfils all these conditions while applying for a loan. There must be some lack, whether you do not have collateral or a guarantor or you are struggling with no job or with a bad …

Can I obtain CCJ loans with no guarantor from a direct lender?

Obtaining a loan might be difficult. This is especially true if you already have financial difficulties due to a County Court Judgment (CCJ). Chances are still there in the form of CCJ loans and no guarantor from a direct lender. First, demonstrate your ability to pay back on schedule. Then, complete our applications online and …

The Role of Guarantors and When You Might Need One

When you apply for a loan or make money agreements, you may hear about having a guarantor. What is a guarantor? A guarantor is a person who promises to repay the loan if you can’t make the payments. Having a guarantor can help you get approved for credit. But you need to fully understand their …

What Is a Holiday Loan, And How Do You Get It?

Holidays do not come cheap. Therefore, if you are planning your next holiday gateway, you need enough cash. Your dream holiday may prove expensive with rising travel costs, accommodation bookings, and flight tickets. Wherever possible, it is best to use your savings. However, consider a holiday loan if your savings are earmarked for something important …

7 Things to Bear in Mind before Consolidating Debts

Combining your debts into one payment seems to be an effective solution when you are juggling multiple debts. Still, there are various factors you should take into account before you finalise your decision. There are numerous methods to deal with your mounting debts, and the most popular strategies include debt avalanche and debt snowball. Still, …

Intriguing Facts That You Must Note About Payday Loans

For small cash crunches, getting a loan is not a crime until you can afford loan payments. Financial assistance becomes necessary when an additional expense pops up, and your salary is almost over. If you cannot let it go, you must arrange funds without delay to prevent further fees. Maybe borrowing is very common and …